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  • Writer's pictureSara Dalicandro

Plants need winter love too

As the seasons change outdoors, so does the environment indoors. This can affect your houseplants tremendously. Below are 4 tips to caring for your plants during the cold winter months.

Water Less

During the winter months, plants generally go into a dormant stage thus requiring less watering. A plant that you may have watered once per week during the warmer months may only need watering every two weeks during the colder months. To see if your plant needs water, stick your finger about one inch into the soil and check for moisture. If it's fine, leave it be. It is better to have your plant be on the dryer side than on the wetter side.

Monitor Sunlight

Shorter amounts of sunlight during the winter months can really affect your houseplants. Plants that may have gotten several hours of sunlight in June may get very little in December. Try moving your plants to a south facing window to give them the most light possible. Also, be sure to occasionally rotate your plants as the foliage tends to lean towards the sun if left in the same spot for a long period of time.

Add Humidity

We all know once the weather gets colder the air gets dryer. Just as we're affected by it, so too are plants. If you have tropical plants, they are especially affected by the dry air and it can affect their growth. To alleviate the dry air, run a humidifier near the plants. You can also place plants on a tray of water but be sure the pot is not sitting in the water as it can cause your roots to rot. Use pebbles to lift the pot above the water line.

Do not fertilize OR repot

Since plants are generally in a dormant state during the winter months, there is no need to fertilize or re pot them. In fact, doing so can put them in a state of shock. Leave them until Spring.

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